I – 90-100 – Child works independently
P – 80-89 – Child is making Progress
NT – 70-79 – Child needs improvement
I – Child works independently
P – Child is making progress
NT – Child needs improvement
A – 100-90 – Excellent
B – 80-89 – Good Progress
C – 70-79 – Average Progress
D – 60-69 – Poor Progress
F – Below 60 - Failure
A – Excellent
B – Satisfactory
C – Needs Improvement
D – Unsatisfactory
Students who have a grade lower than a ‘C’ average will be given an opportunity to redo the assignment to obtain a grade not higher than a ‘C’ average. The corrected assignment must be submitted within 2 days; otherwise, the original grade will remain.
Your child's teacher completes progress reports at the end of the fifth week. If the student is progressing unsatisfactorily or below average in any area, parents will be contacted for a conference. Otherwise, reports are available through our current online grading system JupiterEd. This fosters links of communication between parents and teachers. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the office of any changes in electronic communication. This is the official method of communication with the parents.
Report cards reflecting the student's grades and conduct will be issued at each tenth week period. End of the grading periods for the 2021 -2022 school year are October 20, January 12, March 23, and June 2.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to have frequent visits with their child's teacher, when necessary, even visit the classroom. Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled as need at the end of each quarter. The parent or teacher may request additional conferences at any time.