A Christian school is no exception to the general rule of handling problems because of its Biblical beliefs. We strive always to foster good cooperation and lasting relationships between students, parents/guardians, and teachers. However problems will arise from time to time. There is a way to handle problems in a workable, successful, Biblical way. School problems can best be resolved at the lowest level when problems begin.
The following guidelines will ensure an orderly process for solving problems at Excel Adventist Academy:
1. Any party with legitimate concern(s) should follow the proper procedure for handling the complaint. A suitable time and place should be chosen for the parent and teacher to discuss the misunderstanding or concern.
2. If, after the matter has been discussed between the parent and the teacher, and he/she feel the need to involve another individual, he/she should go to the Principal. If the Principal cannot make a satisfactory settlement, then the parent is to contact the School Board Chairperson.
3. Only in those rare cases when the Principal or School Board Chairperson cannot make satisfactory adjustments, written communication of concerns will be referred to the School Board. The School Board will accommodate personal matters upon appointments.