In general, all students are entitled to enjoy the basic rights of citizenship recognized by law for persons of their age and maturity. Excel Adventist Academy will foster a climate of mutual respect for the rights of others. Each student is expected to respect the rights and privileges of every student, all teachers, and staff.
All staff members of Excel Adventist Academy share in the responsibility for the supervision of student behavior.
Parents/guardians must assume the responsibility for the conduct of their child. Only those who choose to live in harmony with the following standards of Excel Adventist Academy should apply for admission:
1) Each student is expected to conform to all the regulations of the school, rendering prompt and respectful responses to the directions of the teacher, office staff, and other staff members.
2) All school regulations apply to students attending any school-sponsored activity.
3) Electronic devices that not approved by the teaching staff are prohibited. For safety purposes, the school permits students to possess personal mobile telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes. If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated, and the parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office for a fee of $15.
As per all digital devices, Excel Adventist Academy is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.
4) All eating must be confined to the designated area at the appropriate times. NO EATING WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE LOBBY AREA, OR HALLWAYS
5) No unauthorized selling of items by students is allowed.
6) The relationship between same and opposite sexes should be conducted in a dignified and wholesome manner. The hands-off policy will be enforced.
7) Students are expected to maintain high standards of conduct. Conduct or habits unbecoming to the standards of the school, even while off campus, may be subject to review by the school administration. A student may be suspended or dismissed for the following violations:
Harassment (bullying or intimidation) in any form is strictly prohibited. Excel Adventist Academy is committed to providing a school environment free from online sexual, verbal, and physical harassment. Incidents of harassment should be reported in writing to school authorities so appropriate action can be taken. Students and employees who violate the policy are subject to corrective action in accordance with the applicable school policy.
The inappropriate use of God’s name, use of profane or indecent language, indulging in lewd conduct or suggestive or possession of obscene literature or pictures.
The theft of personal or school property will not be tolerated. Theft is considered as picking or breaking locks, doors, or windows to enter locked places, or taking the property of someone else.
The possession or use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
The vandalism of school or personal property is not allowed. Any person willfully marring, misusing, carelessly damaging or destroying school property must also pay for restoration or replacement of said property. This includes writing in textbooks. Parents will be required to purchase or pay for textbooks as they are school property.
The possession of guns (toy or otherwise), fireworks, cigarette lighters, vapes, matches, knives, and other weapons on school property.
The possession and/or use of gambling devices, dice, or playing cards.
The undermining of the fundamental principles are intolerable. Examples include: antagonism toward staff and the spiritual methods of the school, continuous criticism, and fault finding, fighting, or antagonizing others to fight.
The practice of dishonesty including, but not limited to cheating on tests, class work, or homework assignments will result in serious consequences.
8) Students are not to leave school grounds without permission while under school supervision.
9) Engaging in any other conduct that disrupts the school environment or educational process.
Any other regulation(s) determined by the principal, or voted by the faculty or School
Board will have the same enforcement policy as those appearing in this handbook.