All students at the Academy are covered by accident insurance while enrolled in school. This insurance is in effect only during school hours. It is the responsibility of the student and his/her teacher to report all accidents promptly to the school office and to file an accident form. The insurance is supplementary to your regular family insurance. Once the school has completed the claim form, any transaction beyond this point is between the parents/guardian's insurance company, doctor, and hospital.
Fire drill, lock down, shelter in place, lockout, and active shooter procedures are practiced regularly.
Tornado/Hurricane/Severe Weather
A series of short rings, continuous for thirty seconds, will signal a disaster drill. Outside doors and windows should be closed, shades drawn. Move quickly to a sheltered area, get on the floor and protect your head and face.
In cases of a power failure, remain where you are until you receive further instructions.
There are no provisions for giving medications as Excel does not have a school nurse.
Parents, please make school related calls to the office in case of an emergency. Students are not allowed to use the office phone unless it is an emergency regarding transportation and lunch.
Mobile Phones / Electronic Devices
For safety purposes, the school permits students to possess personal mobile telephones, however they are collected during school hours and returned at the end of the school day. Students are provied with Ipads and headphones to use in class and are assigned a login/password.
As per all digital devices (personal/assigned) the school is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.